The layered fasciae is a real network of fasciae, enveloping and compartmentalizing the muscles, literally penetrating into them down to the level of even single muscle fibers. this fascia also holds the tendons, ligaments and the periost, the layer enveloping the bone. it connects all the anatomic structures with each other, from head to toe and from surface to the depth of the body.
all conflict situations or preoccupations which arise in the private or professional life of a person create physical tensions. these can quickly result in discomfort in the depth of the layered fasciae, which reacts and clenches up, influencing the muscle tonus and the muscle itself.
It is not uncommon that a person can feel an enormous backache or have another type of problem with a painful situation for which the medical exam can find no evidence or reason.
during a treatment the evidence of the suffering can often be easily detected under the practitioners hand in the clenching and heightened tonus of the fasciae.
the manual release of these fasciae softens the tonus of the muscles and relieves pain, stiffness and the psychological and emotional tensions related to this situation.